Take Aim At A New Life

It is estimated that approximately 3% of the population has a set of concrete, written goals.  If the full impact of goal setting were realized, and more importantly the results it produces, we would undoubtedly see more people engaging in it.
In a follow-up study of one prominent university’s graduating class, the 3% of graduates with written goals outperformed the other 97% combined!

If you are new to goal setting, here are some tips to get you going.  This is by no means a comprehensive course on goals, but should at least serve as a good starting point.

Goals are most effective when they are written down, and although goal setting usually begins as simple lists like to-do lists, a journal dedicated specifically to your goals is a great asset.  Not only does it keep the goals in front of you, but it serves as a record of your accomplishments.  Drawing on past success is extremely motivating, especially as your goals get larger and more audacious.
In addition to a journal, it is also a good idea to utilize index cards and post-it notes that can be placed anywhere you are sure to see them throughout the day.  Some suggestions are the bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, your dashboard, your computer, etc.  The idea is to keep your goals in the forefront of your mind and prevent them from getting swept away by the monotony of the day.

When writing goals you must be as specific as possible.  The more clear and crisp the image, the more likely you are to achieve it.  If you wanted to lose weight, for example, simply stating, “I would like to lose some weight” is too vague a statement to have any meaningful impact.  Instead, a goal would sound something more like, “I will lose 25 pounds and reach my goal weight of 119 pounds by August 31.”  You can see that this goal is measurable in both weight and in time.  Come August 31, you have either met your goal or you haven’t.

Review your goals at least 3 times a day, preferably first thing in the morning, the last thing before bed, and then somewhere mid-day.  Don’t worry too much initially about how you will accomplish your goal.  When you get proficient at setting goals and continually reviewing them, your mind will come up with the “hows”.

Start with small goals that are relatively easy to accomplish and build momentum to bigger and bolder goals.  If you don’t hit a goal by its deadline, don’t worry.  Just rework the goal, set a new date, and recommit to getting it done.

Start today.  As you begin checking off goals in the coming weeks your life will begin to take on new depth and greater meaning.

Herbal Blend Infused Salve & Lip Balm

I had infused blend of herbs 6 weeks ago to make herbal salve for patients with eczema and atopic dermatitis. 
Last Saturday, the oil was finally ready.

I made ointment for my patients and named them 'aCURE Salve'
and with leftover oils, added organic shea butter, organic coconut oil, wheatgerm oil, vitamin e, bee wax and made lip balm.
Here are some pictures of aCURE Salve and aCURE Lip Balm.
If you wish to try these natural ingredient that help your skin from the outside in, give me an email and 
I'll send you a sample for you to try

Just for your information these are some ingredients to avoid 
when choosing a Lip Balm

  • Fragrances and artificial colors can cause lip irritation
  • Menthol, camphor and phenol cool and anesthetize the lips, but can also dry your lips and/or produce redness and swelling
  • Alcohol is also a drying ingredient
  • Salicylic acid exfoliates and relieves pain but don’t use if you’re allergic to aspirin
  • Aloe butter moisturizes, heals and soothes, but can irritate lips

Germ Warfare

Germ Warfare
You never have to wonder when the “cold and flu season” is around the corner.  Big Pharma will be sure that you are reminded of its impending arrival no matter where you turn.
When the dreaded season of doom drapes its black curtain over us, whatever you do, don’t come within sneezing distance of anybody, don’t even think about shaking anyone’s hand or otherwise engaging in bodily contact, and NEVER, EVER touch a doorknob, shopping cart, or any other object that might have possibly come into contact with any human at any point during its existence.
Buy into the hype and you’ll find yourself locked away in a dark room waiting for the hazmat team to give the “All Clear.”
Big Pharma and the medical community at large are depending on you to buy into the hysteria; to leave the fate of your health and well-being up to the questionable workings of chemical-laden pills and shots rather than the innate power that runs your body and the living world around you.
The reality is that germs don’t make you sick.  Rather, your body’s inability to fend off germs and foreign invaders is what results in you succumbing to illness.
Think about it… How is it possible that a family of 5 people living under the same roof can have completely different reactions during flu season?
Assuming that everyone is exposed to the same germs and viruses, if the sickness were attributed completely to the virus, everyone would get sick and exhibit the same reaction and symptoms.
What happens in reality is that one or two family members get ill while the others don’t.  Clearly the issue is not the germs, but the body’s response to them.
Chances are the last time you got sick you were running yourself ragged; missing sleep, eating improperly, slacking on your nutrition, all stressed out from work, skipping your acupuncture sessions, and neglecting your workouts.  This is a vicious pattern that many of us fall into and it’s one that weakens the body and allows germs to take hold.
Your best defense against the flu, colds, or any other germ-borne illness is not to drug yourself, but to bolster your internal defenses.  You stand your best chance of being at your healthiest when you have an optimally functioning nervous system and immune response.

So come in for an acupuncture tune-up, keep your lifestyle habits in good order, and maintain a positive attitude. Do so, and those pesky little germs don’t stand a chance! 

What are GMO foods?

Here is a very good article for you to start with.

Here is another link to what scientists found when they studied health effects of Roundup Ready Corn, beyond Monsanto's 90 day study. 

Republished study: long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize

They repeated Monsantos finding, but when they went beyond 90 days the inconsequential problems Monsanto identified were CANCER.